Understanding Father's Rights in CT
Protect Your Rights – Call Our Firm!
While a divorce can be challenging for every member of a family, it is often especially hard on fathers. Many dads fear that they will be at a disadvantage in court when it comes time to settle custody arrangements and visitation schedules. If a divorce is imminent, it is important to remember that as a father, you do have rights.
The attorneys at Mancini & Associates, LLC bring 20 years of combined experience to every case they take on. We have a family-focused perspective that always seeks to secure you the best possible outcome. If you're a father who hopes to maintain a close relationship with your children even after your divorce, retain the legal counsel of a Hartford divorce attorney from our firm right away!
How Can I Ensure That My Rights are Protected?
In years past, it was not uncommon for mothers to be given the upper-hand by the court in custody battles. While this archaic way of thinking has since been set aside for a more progressive approach to child custody, many fathers fear their rights will be sacrificed.
Children thrive from a close relationship with their father and it is important to demonstrate this to the court.
Proof of the following factors can all work in your favor:
- Adequate finances to care for your child
- Close ties with your child
- That the best interests of your child are being upheld
- The ability to meet your child's needs
Courts are always looking to favor the best interests of the child, so this is one of the most fundamental aspects to prove to the court. Preparing a strong case can be a huge advantage toward protecting your rights as a father.
Representation from a Hartford Divorce Attorney
At such a crucial time in your life, you cannot afford to go without strong legal representation. Mancini & Associates, LLP is prepared to spring into action from the moment you contact our firm, starting with a complimentary consultation.
For a fast response time and compassionate counsel, contact our firm today!
Our Client testimonials
“Thank you just does not seem enough”Thank you just does not seem enough to give to a person who had handled our case with such dedication and responsibility. We are eternally grateful for the efforts Attorney Jennifer Mancini have made in keeping our family together. There has not gone a day where we do not think about how lucky we were to have such an amazing attorney. Attorney Mancini's actions and the case’s outcome will forever remain an echo in our hearts. We are truly appreciative now and forever.- Family Law Client